Garden Maintenance Services

Ream Community Services provides a variety of outdoor services that can assist you in creating and preserving your ideal garden. Our Garden Maintenance team is available to collaborate with you or work on your behalf based on your disability level

Garden Maintenance Services

Garden maintenance under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) refers to services related to the upkeep and maintenance of gardens, lawns, and outdoor spaces for participants with disabilities. Participants can use their NDIS funding to access garden maintenance services if it is included in their plan.


How can we help?

Ream Community Services provides a variety of outdoor services that can assist you in creating and preserving your ideal garden. Our Garden Maintenance team is available to collaborate with you or work on your behalf based on your disability level. Our most frequently requested services include:

  • Mowing the lawn
  • Planting and watering Plants and grass
  • Raking leaves
  • Clearing and removing debris
  • Eliminating weeds
  • Trimming hedges

We are committed to helping you make the most of the resources available under your NDIS plan, and we are here to meet all of your gardening needs. Contact us today, and let us help you build a beautiful and accessible outdoor space.

To learn more, get in touch with Ream Community services! Call us on 02 86047085 or email us at

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